Out of sight – out of mind – out of service!
Isn’t it frustrating to cultivate a beautiful lawn during spring, summer and autumn only to find that it is just a boggy mess in winter? One of the reasons that this issue occurs is the drainage you’ve spent so much on is now getting blocked up with sediments and soil and not letting the drains do their job. This leaves all the water with no place to go except to stay sitting on the back lawn resulting in a boggy, slippery mess.
So, what can you do to fix this?
Investing in a protective sleeve when installing slotted drainage pipes ensures that the soil and sediment in the ground doesn’t end up washing into the pipe and ultimately wasting all your hard work and investment. Cirtex have developed a NZ made FilterSleeve™ that not only can help solve the muddy back yard but also meets NZTA specifications. This fabric sleeve creates a filter around your pipe allowing water to flow through while holding back sediment and fine soils. Research and testing have shown that rather than the fabric blocking up as well, the structure of the fabric weave holds the soil particles in a way that water can still flow through.
Drain Pipe Protection with FilterSleeve
FilterSleeve can be installed by any DIYer, it is supplied on a preloaded applicator so that it can be easily and quickly slipped over the pipe. It is manufactured in several different sizes to fit all types of drains and is available at leading plumbing and hardware retailers. Don’t forget to add it to your order when you’re next installing drainage around your home!
View the FilterSleeve page for more information. You can buy FilterSleeve from most plumbing and hardware stores such as Bunnings or Mitre 10.