Home DIY Projects Top 5 DIY Projects You Can Do – As a Renter!
Top 5 DIY Projects You Can Do – As a Renter!
We all want to live in a comfortable home, but as a renter, it’s not often possible to do those DIY projects the way we want to. Plus, it’s hard to put money into something that isn’t yours. What you need are semi-permanent, relocatable solutions for your DIY projects. If you don’t own the house you live in, here are some stylish yet cost-effective lifestyle products that will help turn the house you’re renting into a well-loved home.
Create a removable, raised garden
For those in crowded cities or urban rentals, there’s sometimes not enough room to make your own garden, but with GardenStax, you can create raised gardens on the balcony or against the house on the driveway or lawn. Easy to install and maintain, raised gardens are ideal for growing vegetables, herbs, chillis and tomatoes, or even a just flower bed if you’re after a bit of colour. Plus, you can take them with you any time you need to move. GardenStax come in a range of sizes and can be stacked on top of each other to any height you desire. Just remember to line GardenStax with WeedMat before you fill it with soil. This stops weeds from growing and wet soil from staining your landlord’s deck.
For a range of great GardenStax ideas (they’re not just for gardens), check out our GardenStax blog.
Products to use: GardenStax, WeedMat
Define spaces and gain privacy outdoors
If your neighbours are close by, your landlord might not have privacy in mind. SmartScreens create private, sheltered areas around decks and gardens. They’re great for creating spaces, either as ‘see-through’ walls or simple decorations, with each one sporting a unique design. The various designs allow different amounts of light through. Whether you like rusted steel, natural or painted timber, these easy-to-install screens can be used indoors or outside, just attach them to a wooden frame. They are also easy to remove, so you can take them with you wherever you go.
Products to use: SmartScreens
Don’t waste time weeding someone else’s garden
Most landlords require you to keep the garden tidy, but why waste your weekends doing weeding? By laying WeedMat beneath the existing soil or bark and then covering it, you’ll save yourself all the hassle of weeding so you can spend more time with your mates. WeedMat filters water into the garden, nourishing plants while preventing weeds from growing through. There are various grades to choose from, depending on the soil conditions you have. It might take a day to lay it down, but once it’s done you won’t have to think about it again. What a great way to impress the landlord each time they come around to inspect.
Products to use: WeedMat, WeedMat Pins
Park your cars where they won’t ruin the lawn
If you or your flatmates park or turn your cars on the grass, then you’ll know what happens in winter, and just how your landlord feels about car tyres digging up their lawn. With Permeable Paving, you can create dry, stable pebble or grass areas that won’t rut, so you can turn and park your cars without ruining the front lawn. SurePave, SmartPave and PebbleLock are reusable, honeycombed mats designed to trap stones and protect grass roots. Laid on a solid platform of drainage aggregate, they’ll withstand cars and trucks. The design and installation process prevents potholes and rutting, and you won’t get muddy shoes every time you go to your car.
Products to use: SurePave, SmartPave, PebbleLock, DuraForce or SureTex Geotextile
Keep animals and birds away from your garden
If you’ve got green fingers and have devoted a lot of time to a vegetable garden, a great way to protect your fruits and vegetables from birds is to lay a temporary, protective layer of SmartGrid over the top. SmartGrid is a UV protected, plant protection mesh. You can cut it to any shape; using cable ties or even a heavy-duty staple gun to attach it to any wooden frame you build around your garden. Simply lift it to one side when you’re working, then pop it back in place to keep all your hard work safe. Multi-purpose SmartGrid is also great on any slippery stairs in the backyard, especially ones that don’t get a lot of sun. Just use a staple gun to secure it in place, or use it to erect a chicken coop or a deterrent for any small animals getting loose. As it’s durable, SmartGrid can easily be taken down, rolled up and transported to your next home.
Product to use: SmartGrid
Being a renter doesn’t mean you can’t take care of your home. It’s about enjoying the space that you live in, even if the house is not yours to own. With Strol landscaping solutions, you never have to leave your hard work behind, so you won’t feel like you’re investing for someone else’s gain, and in the meantime, you get to enjoy all your DIY upgrades as if this was your own home.